About Us

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enKap™ Company Is A Cutting–Edge Innovator

enKap™ company is a cutting–edge innovator of telecommunication and fiber optic devices. Fiber optic networking is now replacing copper as the new standard for high speed data transfers. While fiber has the disadvantage of being a new commercial technology requiring more expensive equipment and training, the extra expenses have been well worth the monumental gains in speed and efficiency. Installing a fiber network can help you transmit more info with greater fidelity over longer distances.

From a historical perspective, with any new commercial technology, that emerges, another generation of innovation will follow. This next generation of innovation has come to the fiber optic and telecommunication industries. The enKap™ company is a cutting edge innovator that pioneers new technology to improve and replace components or devices that can be improved upon or have fallen short on performance expectations. These short comings may be in the area of value, labor saving cost, time and safety for technicians.

Out Of The Above Mentioned Problem Emerged The iD-Cap™

Out of the above mentioned problem emerged the iD-Cap™ a technologically useful replacement for the conventional fiber optic dust cap that serves just one dust contamination purpose in a fiber optic network. This is a living example of how at the beginning of a commercial technology a device serves only one simple, not well thought out, purpose. The iD-Cap™ innovation substantially reduces technician labor cost, improves safety, efficacy and ease of use. Not to mention delay, frustration, tension and aggravation of dealing with a situation not readily resolvable in an expeditious manner.

This is what makes us different. Our outlook on the innovation process is as a value generating process rather than an engineering process. Our focus is on transformative products and devices rather than products and devices that disrupt an infrastructure. Actually, we do not talk that much, internally, about innovation. We get back to the basics of commercialization and do not pursue innovation separate from commercialization. One of the enKap™ company aims is to substantially improve the fiber optic and telecommunication industries today. We listen to needs and comments of service providers, consumers, technicians and other fiber optic and telecommunication users. The iD-Cap™ is an example of one such device born from listening and conversation.

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enKap™ Company Part Of Making History.

enKap™ company part of making history. The first fiber optic cable that used optical amplifiers was laid across the Pacific Ocean in 1996. The following year the Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe FLAG became the longest single cable network in the world and provided the infrastructure for the next generation of Internet applications. That was not long ago. Today, a variety of industries including the medical, military, telecommunication, industrial, data storage, networking, and broadcast industries are able to apply and use fiber optic technology in a variety of applications.

In particular where most fiber is installed to support long distance connections between cities and countries, some residential internet providers are now investing in extending their fiber installations to suburban and rural neighborhoods for direct access by households. These “last mile” installations give a great amount challenge to providers and they are a major part of our focus to help providers economically resolve connection challenges.

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enKap™ Company Has A Working Life Time Plus Of Experience

enKap™ company has a working life time plus of experience in the telecommunication and fiber optics industry as well as intellectual property and new product development. We are a very energetic combination of individuals, problem solvers and imaginers living on the cutting-edge of innovation. We contract to improve existing technology, cut costs and improve systems and system management. Collaborative research and problem solving is part of our expertise. Let us know about your ideas and problems. Most likely we can be of help to you. We have developed cost effective solutions, such as the iD-Cap™, for the telecommunication and fiber optic communities. Fiber optic product development is part of our expertise. Once a problem is solved and a product is developed. Commercialization is the logical follow up step. Filing patent applications, branding, trademarking and protecting intellectual property precedes monetization. Having that experience makes enKap™ company a high value project partner. Please contact us for on going discussion. We welcome and will sincerely respond to your inquiry!

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enKap™ Company How Is It Different?

enKap™ company how is it different? Service providers choose us because in the world of specialization. It is practically impossible to find our unique skill set and talent combined under the roof of one company. We are a “go to company” to help resolve problems, issue and develop devices that can be implemented effectively into existing provider systems and networks.

We have development and commercialization strategies that can be implemented in a variety of ways, to file patents and monetize intellectual property. We contract to improve existing technology, cut costs and improve systems and system management. Fiber optic product development is a significant part of our expertise.

Remember; trust, forward thinking and results orientated are the core values that guide all of our activities. It is our overarching goal to be an integral part of making practical improvements within the telecommunication and fiber optic communities.

Right Down To Making The Experience Better For The End User

Right down to making the experience better for the end user. Remember; enKap™ company as a high value project partner. Please contact us for on going discussion. We welcome and will sincerely respond to your earnest inquiry!